Death is a Weird Thing

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One day your mom could be in your kitchen cooking dinner. The next she could be gone. One day you can leave for school and before you even come home, she’s gone. The latter is what happened to me.

On the morning on January 15, 2013, I knew my mom wasn’t feeling well. I didn’t think much of it, I thought it was only a cold. I went through my morning routine of brushing my hair, my teeth, and dressing myself, among other mundane tasks. Then I rushed out the door, throwing a casual “I LOVE YOU!” over my shoulder. I never expected those words to be the last words I ever spoke to my mom.

I’m glad that those were the last words I spoke to her though, though. I needed to make sure she knew I loved her. In my heart, I know she knew I loved her more than anything in the entire world. And I still do.

I went through the school day without even thinking that there was a possibility my own mother could be dying. But, during sixth hour, my heart sort of skipped a beat and I got a little nauseous. I ignored this weird sensation and went onto my seventh hour.

We were watching a movie in Spanish 2 about this guy that was traveling through a South American country, since we had a sub. I was pretty preoccupied watching this movie until a security guard comes into my classroom and speaks to the sub. The next thing I know, I’m following this security guard down the hall, thinking I’m in trouble for some reason. He blatantly asks me if I know why I’m going down to the office; my mind spirals out of control. My palms get clammy, my whole body starts to tremble. (My automatic reaction whenever I’m called down to the office.) I say that I have no idea and that I’ve never been in this kind of trouble before. (If you know me, I’m probably one of the biggest goody-two shoes ever.) He remains silent.

I enter the office through the front office door and I see my twin sister sitting on the couch with her backpack. We share a confused look, and I think I mouth her a question, asking if she knows why we’re here. She shakes her head. I’m incredibly nervous as we’re led into a conference room by an administrator. (There’s no hope in recovering who it was, there’s too much trauma.) I see my grandma, my uncle and his wife sat down at the east end if the table. There is an old man sitting one chair away from my uncle’s wife, who I later learn is the County Chaplin.

There is one person who I immediately recognize as missing. My mother. My heart starts to beat rapidly and my hands tremor. I look at my grandma, who’s teary-eyed, but trying to fake a smile. I give her a shaky smile back as she reaches for my hand. I then look to my uncle who’s eyes are red and watery. This is the first time in my life where I’ve ever seen my uncle have watery eyes. That’s when I know something’s wrong. My uncle proceeds to reach for my sister’s and I’s hands and holds them as he says, “Girls, your mother has passed away.”

My sister immediately breaks down into sobs and my uncle lets a few tears slip. I don’t cry right away. I felt like I needed to be strong for my grandma and my sister. My mom always used to be the rock of our family. I now felt as if it was my turn to be the rock. And I was… until, we went to tell my dad that my mom, his ex-wife (who he had a fairly healthy-friendly relationship with) had passed away around noon that day. He sat by my sister and I on the floor while rubbing our knees and crying along with us.

That night and a few more nights, my sister and I stayed with our dad because we just couldn’t bear going back home without seeing our mom there. We eventually went back to the house, only it didn’t quite feel like a home without our mom there.

The grieving process is different for everyone. Some peoples’ processes are shorter than others, and some are longer. Sometimes you can stay in one stage for a longer amount of time than the others. It’s different for everyone. I don’t even know which stage I was in for the most amount of time. It’s all a blur, really.

Losing someone you love more than anything, someone that has cared for you and provided for you since day one is the worst thing that can possibly happen. Simply put, it rips your heart out. But you have to get up from the lowest rung of your ladder and climb your way up to your highest.

Mama, I know you’re somewhere looking down upon me. I want you to know that I’m sorry for some of the things I said to you, some of the things I put you through, and some of the things I forced you to buy for me. I regret those things, but I am not dwelling on them. I want you to know that I loved you then, I love you now, and I will always love you. No matter what. I will always remember you. I miss you a lot, a lot, a lot, but I know you’re in a better place. I’m truly thankful for the wonderful 15 years of my life that you were apart of physically, but I am and will be even more thankful that you’re going to be apart of my future years spiritually. When I walk down the aisle at graduation, I know you’ll be there, cheering me on. When I walk down the wedding aisle, I know you’ll be there, with tears in your eyes, and with a beautiful, happy smile on your face. Even when I’m walking down the grocery store aisle, I know you’ll be there, trying to convince me to buy the store brand cereal. My point is that even if you’re not here physically, I know you’re forever with me in my heart.

In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.

-Robert Frost

Disclaimer: This took a lot of courage and bravery to write out because it’s lived in my brain since that January day. Please be gentle.


I received a call from the University of Kansas at 8:09 PM on May 1st, 2014. I The caller called me to see how I was progressing in my college search. I told her it was going good, but I really meant to say it went well. Then I immediately regretted telling her that my college search was going “good.” I think she thought I was an idiot. The caller politely told me that applications for the school year of 2015-2016 opened on July 1st, and then told me that I could start on the applications this summer or wait a little bit. Then she told me that the scholarship deadline was November 1st. Then, after an awkward goodbye, my freak out about college began.

I feel sorry for my grandma because she had to experience me pulling at my hair and wildly gesturing at nothing with my arms while gibbering about college and grunting and groaning. She calmly told me to calm down and take a deep breath. Then she told me that she was insanely proud of me for doing so well all throughout my schooling career so far. I proceeded to cringe at her cheesiness and just shrugged and told her thank you. When I went into the living room and sat down, I started to freak out about college and the idea and cost of college.

I only recently decided what I wanted to major in college. I’m taking Graphic Design 2 this semester, and realized that I love creating art on the computer using programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop. My road to finding out that I absolutely loved graphic design began in my second semester of my freshman year. I took Digital Imaging 1 that semester and then joined the newspaper staff at the beginning of my sophomore year as a designer, due to the goading of Mrs. Folsom. I then came back on staff my junior year as photo editor and a designer. Now, for my senior year, I will be the assistant design editor.

Even though I’m freaking out about college right now, I know that this time next year I will be fully prepared to enter college. I have faith that I will make the right decision in choosing the right college for me, cost-wise and major-wise.


Colleges I’m interested in as of May 1st, 2014 @ 8:45 PM:

  1. Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY
  2. Columbia College Chicago in Chicago, IL
  3. Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design in Milwaukee, WI
  4. University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS


My Friends are Honestly the Best Things in the Entire World: A Personal Thank You to Some of the Best People in My Life

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Andrew: Andrew, I know I’ve been a dick to you sometimes, and I really regret that. I apologize for doing that. But, I have SO much respect for you. You’re an amazingly talented photographer, and you’ve grown so much since you first joined yearbook. You take some of the most amazing photos I’ve ever seen. You’re one of the most talented people I know, and whenever I have a question about anything photography-related, you always have the answer. You have really good music taste and I’m always excited to hear what you’ve been listening to as I eavesdrop on your conversations with  Taylor, Jody, Bret or Kiara during fifth hour. You’re very passionate about photography and music and I admire you for that. Although you can be really annoying when you and Mary join up, I still think you’re an amazing person.

B: B, we’ve only recently become friends, but I can honestly say you’re one of my best friends. The group text message is probably one of  the most entertaining things I’m apart of. You’re such a talented girl and you’re hilarious. You never fail to make me laugh or smile. I love coming to watch any of the events you’re apart of. They’re truly entertaining and I’m very proud that I’m friends with such a talented person. You’re a very talented actress and I know I’m going to be seeing one of your shows later in my life. You’re going to be something really big.

Becca: Becca, you’re the most independent person I know. You’re a very, very strong person and I admire that about you. You make me want to be more courteous, more polite, and you inspire me to be a nicer person. I love how passionate you are about Harry Potter, and I love that we can talk about My Mad Fat Diary with each other. I feel as if I can talk to you about almost anything and I can’t thank you enough for giving me that comfort. You seem to have a plan for yourself and that’s amazing. I’ve known you the longest of all my friends and I have hope that our friendship will survive and prosper when we’re older.

Catherine: Catherine, you’re one of my newest friends and you’re freaking amazing. I love that we can talk about our crushes with each other and we won’t judge each other. This semester we’ve grown closer and I’m honestly soooooo happy that we have. You’re so nice and like a little mouse. I know you don’t like being compared to a little mouse, but it’s so true. You’re incredibly smart and I love that you’re as passionate about newspaper as I am. I’ll remember those 3 hours fake dying children’s hair, and some adults’ hair, for a long time. I look forward to next year as our friendship grows.

Darian: You’re such an amazing and strong girl. You’ve had to deal with some major shit in your life and you’ve come out on top every time. I really, really adore that about you. You’re a great leader and we’re going to make next year’s newspaper better than any of the other papers before. You’re very passionate about design, and as much as you joke about using Comic Sans in the paper, I know that you would never jeopardize the Free Press’ integrity as a credible publication. You’re incredible and I’m extremely excited about next year. You have such a warm smile and it’s very inviting. You’re not afraid to have fun and say what you want to, and I love that.

Kaitlyn: Kaitlyn, you’ve been the one that’s always been there for me no matter what. Even if we have a fight, we always make up and apoligize to each other in the end. I know that we will continue to be close as sisters as we grow older. Even though I don’t know what’s going to happen after high school for the both of us, whether you’re going to an out-of-state college or we’re going to be going to KU together, but I know that we will continue to be as close and maybe even closer as we grow older. I love you lots and I forever will love you lots.

Karen: Karen, I can talk to you about anything. You’re sooooo nice and you make me feel comfortable in unfamilar situations, and honestly, I think you’re a godsend. You’re hilarious and you are so much fun to be around. You’re so smart and I admire your intelligence and your resolve to get shit done. Also, your dog is super sweet and cute. This summer is going to be pretty hoppin’ and I’m super duper excited for THAT concert in August. It’s going to be an amazing night, and I’m glad I get to spend it with you along with B and Isabelle.

Kyra: Kyra, we’ve only really become friends this past year/semester, but I’m glad we’ve gotten closer. You’re incredibly dedicated to the newspaper and I know the 2014-2015 newspaper is going to go down history. You like Bo Burnham and that pretty much makes us best friends. I’m very excited to become closer friends as the summer and the next school year progresses. You rock harder than a diamond. (Diamonds are the hardest rock on Earth.)

Isabel: You throw some pretty rockin’ sleepovers. I’ll probably always remember that unfortunate Asian meal we prepared during that one sleepover. (Kaitlyn is still disgusted by Asian food.) Even though you go to LHS and I go to FSHS I don’t consider us enemies. (That rivalry has always been overrated, hasn’t it?) You’re so cute and funny and I’m glad to call you my friend. I hope we can continue to be friends after we graduate high school, wherever we both may end up.

Isabelle: I can’t thank you enough for informing me of the plan on that historical day. (I think you know what I’m talking about.) (If you don’t, then you’re probably really confused right now, I’m sorry.) I can’t thank you enough for including me in your group for THE concert. That August night is probably going to be one of the best nights of my life and I’m glad I’ll be spending it with you, B and Karen. You’re also super talented at running, which is something I could never ever do. I admire your dedication to your sports and I think you’re really freaking fantastic.

Madison: Madison, you’re hilarious and you never ever fail to make me laugh or smile in Comparative Mythology. I’ve really enjoyed getting closer to you as this semester has gone on. I hope we have classes together next year because I don’t know how I’ll survive without you. You’re probably the only sporty person at our library table and you really deserve a shoutout for bringing that unique factor to our table. I really hope we’ll be able to grow closer this summer and this next year. I also hope I can go to some more concerts with you because you hold nothing back at concerts, love that.

Maria: Maria, you honestly have the best music taste out of my friends. You and I have lots in common in regards to the music we love to listen to. Your music reviews on your blog are really cool and I enjoy reading them. You’re so intelligent and driven and I love that about you. You’re not afraid to speak your mind and you have a lot of dedication. I hope that we are able to grow even closer as the summer and next year go on, because honestly you’re so amazing. I also look forward to the Vampire Weekend and maybe Ed Sheeran concerts later in the year. (That is, if Ed ever releases the presale ticket dates for the Kansas City concert.)

Mary: I know I get onto you for somethings but it’s only because I recognize the potential you have as a journalistic photographer. If you apply yourself you are going to be a fantastic photographer that the newspaper will forever treasure. I miss the conversations we used to have in my car in the way to photo shoots for newspaper. You are an incredible photographer and I know that I’ll be looking at one of your photographs in a museum when we’re older. You have loads of talent and I can’t wait to see what you do with it. You are going to create something great. I know you’re uncomfortable with affection, but right now, you’re just going to have to deal with it. I love you lots and I care tons about you. Last January, you and Becca, Miranda and Isabel were basically my sanity during that horrible time. You took my mind of what happened and helped me more than you could ever understand So, thank you. I love you. I hope we can remain friends after high school enters because, honestly, if we don’t, I think my heart would break in half. I still want to do that backpacking in Europe thing in the summer after our freshman year of college and I won’t let you forget it. You’re fucking cool, ok.

Miranda: Miranda, you’re one of the absolute sweetest people I know. You’re an incredibly talented artist and hopefully we’ll end up in the same college, and, who knows, it could happen. You’re not only artistic, you’re very, very smart and I admire that you’re able to be artistic and also excel in advanced classes such as AP Calc. I have mad respect for anyone who takes AP Calculus, whether it’s AB or BC, because it’s all Greek to me. You have the most amazing personality. You make everyone feel welcome, and you make them feel comfortable. That’s probably one of the most valuable traits you could ever have. I love you lots and I think you’re a pretty amazing person and I know you’re going to excel in your life. I look forward to seeing your work in a museum someday.

Twins 4 Life

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I’ve been a twin all my life. (Obviously). Although I’ve had moments where I absolutely hated my twin sister, I can’t love her more than I do already. My twin’s name is Kaitlyn and she’s honestly one of my best friends. That sounds cheesy as hell, but it’s true. I can depend on her more than any of my other friends, and she’s always there for me when some of my other friends are not.

Now we don’t talk about really personal things because ew, and it crosses the line we’ve set as our boundary. We also have things we don’t tolerate talking about to each other. But sometimes you can casually mention these topics in passing and hope the other doesn’t murder you. (My topics are One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer.) (Kaitlyn’s topic is… hmm Kaitlyn doesn’t really have a topic.) There are times where she will punch me in the arm and yell at me to shut up, but  there are also times where she will indifferently listen to me and occasionally nod in understanding.

We aren’t identical twins, we’re fraternal twins. That means we don’t look exactly alike or act in the same way. Although some people think identical twins think and act alike, they don’t. I can promise you that they don’t. Every twin is their own person, even though they were squished in the same womb together.

We have the same main group of friends, but we have other separate groups of friends we’ve made on our own, too. Our longest known friend is Becca, and we’ve known her since first grade. The friend we’ve known the second longest is probably Mary. We met her in junior high, thanks to Becca. Then Becca introduced us to Isabel and Miranda in junior high after we met Mary and we’ve all remained friends since. We have frequent sleepovers that are tons and tons of fun. Then, when we entered high school we made lots and lots of new friends at Free State. We’ve met and befriended bunches of people on the newspaper staff and I’ve found people who share my common interests, and become friends with them. As has Kaitlyn.

I’ve never formally met another set of twins, so I honestly have no idea how Kaitlyn and I’s relationship compares to other twins’ relationships. But I’ve seen some of the other sets of twins at Free State and they seem to hang around each other just as much as Kaitlyn and I do. I don’t think they have the same group of friends, but I’m not completely sure.

What I’m saying is that being a twin is pretty cool, even though you sometimes wish you could murder the other one. I love Kaitlyn a lot and if we go separate ways for college I’m going to miss her more than a bunch. Even though we’re going to be apart, we will no doubt Skype each other from wherever we end up and remain just as close as we are today.

And now for an “infographic”

Questions twins get asked every time they meet someone new:

[Suspicious glances] “Are you guys twins???”

“Who’s the oldest?” & To younger twin: “And how do you feel about that?”

“Do you finish each other’s sentences?”

“Which twin is the evil twin?” & “Which twin is the nice twin?”

“Why do you have similar names?”

“Can you, like, read each other’s minds?”

“Can you feel each other’s pain?”

“Did you ever dress alike when you were younger?” (See the slideshow above and see for yourself.)

“What’s it like being a twin?”

Reactions twins receive after they answer the stranger’s questions:

“YOU’RE TWINS?????????????????????????”


“I kNEW IT.” (I imagine them to perform a little victory dance in their minds)

Questions people related to the pair of twins get asked:

To mother: “OOH, how was it??? Carrying two babies at once?”

To parents: “Oh, they must’ve been a handful when they were younger, huh.”

Nicknames twins get:

“The [Insert last name here] Twins”

“The [Insert gender here]s” (Ex: The Girls, The Boys)