Twins 4 Life

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I’ve been a twin all my life. (Obviously). Although I’ve had moments where I absolutely hated my twin sister, I can’t love her more than I do already. My twin’s name is Kaitlyn and she’s honestly one of my best friends. That sounds cheesy as hell, but it’s true. I can depend on her more than any of my other friends, and she’s always there for me when some of my other friends are not.

Now we don’t talk about really personal things because ew, and it crosses the line we’ve set as our boundary. We also have things we don’t tolerate talking about to each other. But sometimes you can casually mention these topics in passing and hope the other doesn’t murder you. (My topics are One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer.) (Kaitlyn’s topic is… hmm Kaitlyn doesn’t really have a topic.) There are times where she will punch me in the arm and yell at me to shut up, but  there are also times where she will indifferently listen to me and occasionally nod in understanding.

We aren’t identical twins, we’re fraternal twins. That means we don’t look exactly alike or act in the same way. Although some people think identical twins think and act alike, they don’t. I can promise you that they don’t. Every twin is their own person, even though they were squished in the same womb together.

We have the same main group of friends, but we have other separate groups of friends we’ve made on our own, too. Our longest known friend is Becca, and we’ve known her since first grade. The friend we’ve known the second longest is probably Mary. We met her in junior high, thanks to Becca. Then Becca introduced us to Isabel and Miranda in junior high after we met Mary and we’ve all remained friends since. We have frequent sleepovers that are tons and tons of fun. Then, when we entered high school we made lots and lots of new friends at Free State. We’ve met and befriended bunches of people on the newspaper staff and I’ve found people who share my common interests, and become friends with them. As has Kaitlyn.

I’ve never formally met another set of twins, so I honestly have no idea how Kaitlyn and I’s relationship compares to other twins’ relationships. But I’ve seen some of the other sets of twins at Free State and they seem to hang around each other just as much as Kaitlyn and I do. I don’t think they have the same group of friends, but I’m not completely sure.

What I’m saying is that being a twin is pretty cool, even though you sometimes wish you could murder the other one. I love Kaitlyn a lot and if we go separate ways for college I’m going to miss her more than a bunch. Even though we’re going to be apart, we will no doubt Skype each other from wherever we end up and remain just as close as we are today.

And now for an “infographic”

Questions twins get asked every time they meet someone new:

[Suspicious glances] “Are you guys twins???”

“Who’s the oldest?” & To younger twin: “And how do you feel about that?”

“Do you finish each other’s sentences?”

“Which twin is the evil twin?” & “Which twin is the nice twin?”

“Why do you have similar names?”

“Can you, like, read each other’s minds?”

“Can you feel each other’s pain?”

“Did you ever dress alike when you were younger?” (See the slideshow above and see for yourself.)

“What’s it like being a twin?”

Reactions twins receive after they answer the stranger’s questions:

“YOU’RE TWINS?????????????????????????”


“I kNEW IT.” (I imagine them to perform a little victory dance in their minds)

Questions people related to the pair of twins get asked:

To mother: “OOH, how was it??? Carrying two babies at once?”

To parents: “Oh, they must’ve been a handful when they were younger, huh.”

Nicknames twins get:

“The [Insert last name here] Twins”

“The [Insert gender here]s” (Ex: The Girls, The Boys)